Welcome to the Southington-Cheshire Community YMCA Youth Sports Programs. Our programs offer a diverse array of sports to get your kids active in a safe and fun environment. Whether you're interested in preparing them for competitive sports, improving their skills at a clinic or giving them the opportunity to make new friends in a league, there's a perfect program for every child. Participants in these programs develop skills, learn about teamwork, and focus on sportsmanship. Families are presented with second-to-none volunteer opportunities as coaches, team parents, and committee members.
Youth learn new skills, make new friends, develop essential character traits, and set individual and team goals. This improves self-confidence, promotes diversity, increases self-esteem, and improves physical condition.
YMCA Youth Sports Philosophy:
YMCA youth sports are based on the concept that fair play is the very essence part of competition. Everybody should have an equal opportunity to compete and a fair chance to participate.
Fair play implies respect for oneself; one’s opponent and others involved in conducting the competition. Players, coaches, officials and spectators share a responsibility for fair play. Fair play sets the child above the game. The YMCA believes that its youth sports programs provide an excellent environment for developing sound spirit, mind and body. As these virtues grow, they will influence behavior in everyday life.