Sponsorship Opportunities for the

Y's 46th Annual Apple Harvest Road Races

Scheduled for Sunday, October 5, 2025

Your sponsorship would mean...

  • you have an opportunity to have your business/agency/family name on the t-shirts of our runners
  • your business/agency/family gets great exposure on our race website and social media outlets
  • your business/agency/family name gets seen throughout town all year long
  • you support the efforts of creating a healthier community
  • you are financially supporting the Y's efforts to provide needed financial assistance to individuals and families going through challenging times.  All proceeds get funneled right back into the community.
  • you get infused into Southington’s wonderful tradition of the Y's Apple Harvest Festival Road Race


Remember, It’s Our Hometown Race:   Our race has been involved with the festival for the past 45 years.  It has a great family feel. Typically, over 70% of our runners were from Southington!!!  Because of this, most of the runners will know our sponsors and support their businesses. We hope we can count on you this year!

For details -  Download the sponsor form here 2025 Sponsor Opportunities


Sponsorship Opportunities Levels

5 MILE/5K TITLE SPONSOR - $3,000  - Sold – Thank you Six Point Wealth Advisors

·         Name on front of shirt

·         Logo on back of shirt

·         Logo on 5 Mile/5K running bibs

·         Logo/link on race webpage

·         Logo on sponsor board.  Seen at the Y and Award Ceremony

·         Welcome comments at start of 5 Mile/5K Race

·         Social media spotlight

·         Social media exposure

·         Exhibition table near refreshments

·         6 entries into any AHF Road Race event


2 MILE HEALTH WALK TITLE SPONSOR - $1,500 – Sold – Thank Hartford HealthCare

·         Logo on back of shirt

·         Logo on 2 Mile running bibs

·         Logo/link on race webpage

·         Logo on sponsor board.  Seen at the Y and Award Ceremony

·         Welcome comments at start of 2 Mile Walk

·         Social media spotlight

·         Social media exposure

·         Exhibition table near refreshments

·         2 Entries into any AHF Road Race event



·         Logo on back of shirt

·         Logo on Y CUP running bibs

·         Logo/link on race webpage

·         Logo on sponsor board.  Seen at the Y and Award Ceremony

·         Social media spotlight

·         Social media exposure

·         Exhibition table near refreshments

·         2 Entries into any AHF Road Race event


LITTLE FRITTER FUN RUN TITLE SPONSOR- $1750 – Sold – Thanks MT Southington

·         Name on front of shirt

·         Logo on back of shirt

·         Logo on Little Fritter Fun Runs running bibs

·         Logo/link on race webpage

·         Logo on sponsor board.  Seen at the Y and Award Ceremony

·         Welcome comments at start of Little Fritter Fun Runs

·         Social media spotlight

·         Social media exposure

·         Exhibition table near refreshments

·         2 Entries into any AHF Road Race event



·         Logo on back of shirt

·         Logo and tear off coupon on running bibs

·         Logo/link on race webpage

·         Logo on sponsor board.  Seen at the Y and Award Ceremony

·         Social media spotlight

·         Social media exposure

·         Exhibition table near refreshments

·         2 Entries into any AHF Road Race event



·         Logo on back of shirt

·         Logo Aon 500 cowbells given out to spectators near finish line

·         Logo/link on race webpage

·         Logo on sponsor board.  Seen at the Y and Award Ceremony

·         Social media spotlight

·         Social media exposure

·         Exhibition table near refreshments

·         2 Entries into any AHF Road Race event




·         Logo on back of shirt

·        Company banner at the starting line and finish line

·         Logo/link on race webpage

·         Logo on sponsor board.  Seen at the Y and Award Ceremony

·         Social media spotlight

·         Social media exposure

·         Exhibition table near refreshments

·         2 Entries into any AHF Road Race event



·         Logo on sign by mile marker on race course

·         Logo on back of shirt

·         Logo/link on race webpage

·         Logo on sponsor board.  Seen at the Y and Award Ceremony

·         Social media exposure

·         Exhibition table near refreshments

·         2 Entries into any AHF Road Race event



·         Logo on back of shirt

·         Logo/link on race webpage

·         Logo on sponsor board.  Seen at the Y and Award Ceremony

·         Social media exposure

·         Exhibition table near refreshments

·         2 Entries into any AHF Road Race event



·         Name on back of shirt

·         Name/link on race webpage

·         Logo on sponsor board.  Seen at the Y and Award Ceremony

·         Social media exposure

·         Exhibition table near refreshments

·         2 Entries into any AHF Road Race event


Reserve your spot now - pay later!

Contact John Myers with any questions

[email protected] or 860-919-1193