A colorful addition to the Apple Harvest Road Race menu! The Y is partnering with SoCCA to offer a fun, action packed 1 ½ mile Color Fun Run/Walk on Sunday October 5th
The event will take place on the Linear Trail (starting at the intersection of High Street)
This family friendly event, which supports SoCCA’s community initiatives, encourages everyone to run, walk, dance, skip from color station to color station to get blasted with color powder. Guaranteed to bring laughter and create lifetime memories.
Registration is limited to 150 participants. Al participants will receive a t-shirt
The Color Run/Walk begins at 8:30 a.m. All participants should meet at the Y's Learning Center (30 High Street) by 8:00 a.m.
After the completion of the Color Run, participants can head up to the Town Green to see the end of the road races and enjoy refreshments in a festive atmosphere.
Go to this link to sign up --